Surah As-Saff 61:11-12

Verses and Translation

تُؤۡمِنُونَ بِٱللَّهِ وَرَسُولِهِۦ وَتُجَـٰهِدُونَ فِى سَبِيلِ ٱللَّهِ بِأَمۡوَالِكُمۡ وَأَنفُسِكُمۡ‌ۚ ذَالِكُمۡ خَيۡرٌ۬ لَّكُمۡ إِن كُنتُمۡ تَعۡلَمُونَ (١١) يَغۡفِرۡ لَكُمۡ ذُنُوبَكُمۡ وَيُدۡخِلۡكُمۡ جَنَّـٰتٍ۬ تَجۡرِى مِن تَحۡتِہَا ٱلۡأَنۡہَـٰرُ وَمَسَـٰكِنَ طَيِّبَةً۬ فِى جَنَّـٰتِ عَدۡنٍ۬‌ۚ ذَتلِكَ ٱلۡفَوۡزُ ٱلۡعَظِيمُ (١٢)

“[It is that] you believe in Allah and His Messenger and strive in the cause of Allah with your wealth and your lives. That is best for you, if you should know. He will forgive for you your sins and admit you to gardens beneath which rivers flow and pleasant dwellings in gardens of perpetual residence. That is the great attainment.”


When the believers are asked to believe, it automatically gives the meaning that they should become sincere Muslims: they should not rest content with oral profession of the Faith but should be ready and willing to make every sacrifice in the cause of their Faith.

That is, this bargain is far superior for them to every worldly bargain. The actual profits of the bargain that they will attain in the eternal lift of the Hereafter are: (1) Immunity from the punishment of Allah; (2) forgiveness of sins; and (3) entry into the Paradise the blessings of which are eternal and everlasting.

Foundational Attributes

conviction, persistence, perseverance, charity