Surah Al-A’la 87:14

Verses and Translation

قَدۡ أَفۡلَحَ مَن تَزَكَّىٰ (١٤)

“He has certainly succeeded who purifies himself.”


He who purifies himself from despised characteristics and he follows what Allah has revealed to the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) achieves success. [Ibn Kathir]

This refers to the one who affirmed the faith giving up disbelief and polytheism, adopted good morals giving up evil morals, and performed good deeds giving up evil deeds. Success does not imply worldly prosperity, but true and real success whether worldly prosperity accompanies it or not. (For explanation, see E.N. 23 of Yunus, E.N. 1-50 of Al-Mu’minun, E.N. 4 of Luqman). [Maududi]

Foundational Attributes

cleanliness, character